Donate. Give. Support. Invest.


As The She League, Inc., (TaxID#87-3133665) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent provided by the law. We appreciate your support as we continue to create opportunities, access and exposure for women of color in corporate and entrepreneurship!


Across most fields, women of color are underrepresented, underinvested, underpaid and underemployed. We lack mentors, access, capital, equal opportunities for growth and more. Yet, we continue to invest in ourselves. We are driving the economy in entrepreneurship and shattering glass ceilings in the workplace. Now, we ask that you invest in us as well. Help us become future CEOs and leaders in business. It is not enough to talk about the benefits of diversity in business. We have to create diversity in business.

Become a corporate sponsor today.