In 2020, women of color represented 18% of entry-level positions in the workplace. Few advanced to leadership positions: managers (12%), senior managers/directors (9%), VPs (6%), SVPs (5%), and C-suite positions (3%). An often-cited statistic reveals that as a result of factors including, but not limited to, motherhood penalties, gender discrimination, and occupational segregation, women make 79 cents for every dollar men earn. However, Black women earn only 64 cents on the dollar, and Latinas earn a dismal 54 cents. Women of color continue to experience occupational and economic disadvantages that reflect the ways both race and gender affect their work experiences. Some of the barriers that women of color face include limited access to mentors, exclusion from elite networks, and the gender wage gap.
In 2024, we are still not seeing an improvement in numbers and more programs dedicated to developing women of color in the workplace are drastically decreasing and being attacked.
Women of color are a principal force behind one of the most important components of America’s current marketplace and our nation’s future economy: entrepreneurship. Although business capital has become more accessible to entrepreneurs through targeted capital-access programs such as microenterprise and venture-capital funds, women of color face extra challenges in obtaining this capital that other groups do not. Some research has found that women are more likely to be turned down for loans or receive loans with less favorable terms than their male counterparts.
We are the underrepresented, under-invested, underemployed and underpaid; so let’s change that. Our goal is to increase these numbers by investing in women in the early and mid-stages of their careers by bringing in executive women of color to give us the blueprint to success.
Vice President
Secretary and Fundraising and Partnership Chair
FlourisHER Chair
Social Events Chair
Marketing and Communications Chair
Member Development Chair
The She League is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN 87-3133665