in grants distributed to date
corporate and community partners committed to diversity and inclusion
women have attended our events
Diverse membership
Events and workshops hosted since 2020
raised for career development workshops and events for Aspiring Women Leaders

Hear From Our Members

Being a part of The She League makes me feel seen. I’m surrounded by a likeminded group of high achieving women, who are passionate about...

The She League has introduced me to women who are exemplary in their professional and personal endeavors; it’s created a space where we get the...

I am truly thankful to be a part of The She League. Being with such inspiring women has been a wonderful experience, helping me build...

The She League has been a wonderful experience that offered me the opportunity to network and build relationships with other like-minded women of color. It...
Previous Events
The She League Conference 2023
The 2023 Conference was a multi-day experience for both women in corporate and entrepreneurship. The day will be filled with workshops, panels, mini career coaching sessions, business pitch competition, and more!
The She League Conference 2022
With roughly 250 women of color in attendance, we provided an incredible lineup of speakers, workshops, vendors, and more! The day began with breakfast and networking, followed by our sessions and workshops.

The She League Conference 2020
With over 500 people registered to watch, our speakers covered topics ranging from salary negotiations and creating your personal brand to leadership and battling imposter syndrome.